• The Hollywood Way" is an inspiring new TV show produced by Chris Tutty, spotlighting the transformative impact of art and celebrity on important causes. The series follows Chris as he attends various events in the entertainment industry, capturing heartwarming moments where famous personalities lend their support by signing his artwork to benefit those in need.
Each episode focuses on the individuals and communities helped by these charitable efforts, showcasing their stories and the positive change brought about through art and celebrity involvement. Viewers will witness Chris connecting with iconic figures as they come together to raise awareness and funds, making a meaningful difference in people's lives.
Through social media platforms like TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram, fans will gain exclusive access to behind-the-scenes moments and updates on these impactful initiatives. "The Hollywood Way" is a celebration of compassion, collaboration, and the power of art to upliftothers—emphasizing that, in Hollywood, it's not just about the glitz and glamour, but about thelping those in need.
The Hollywood Way
Calgary Expo Experience
With Chris Tutty
Rarely does such an experience come along with the chance to meet the real Wonder Woman from the 1970’s TV show Lynda Carter, Corey Feldman, Pamela Anderson, and Michael J. Fox all under one roof in Calgary!
Calgary Stampede
Chris W. Tutty Interviews Public Relations Manager Jennifer Booth about this year's Calgary Stampede July 5-14, 2019